“As a purebred sheep producer we need a good handle on the performance of our lambs growth and Lisa does an excellent job of ultra-sounding loin eye and back fat on our Hampshire bucks and ewes. She is easy to schedule with and comes to our place ready to work with all her equipment in great shape. We get results back quickly and like the quality of work she does for us.” - Wendy Smith
Targhee breed was developed in the early twentieth century by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service in Dubois, ID. It was named after the Targhee National Forest. It is a dual purpose breed, a good meat type and high quality wool. But I love the breed is especially for its wool – fine, dense, heavy fleeces especially suited for superior apparel, knitwear and socks. They are a very hardy breed and they are especially suited to the ranges of the West where they were developed. Currently, Targhee sheep are especially popular in South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana where they are favored by western ranchers. Ancestors of these animals were Corriedale, Lincoln and Rambouillet sheep.
I began my own registered Targhee flock in 2015 but my love for the Targhee breed started much earlier during my time at Montana State University which is one of the oldest in the US. Foundation breeders such as Sieben Livestock, Hughes Newford and Carolyn Green gave me the opportunity to purchase ewes that began my small flock. Since that time I have added ewes from the University of Wisconsin, Beastrom Family Targhees, and Modoc Targhee.
My Targhee sheep are enrolled in the National Sheep Improvement Program. The NSIP measures and tracks economically important sheep industry traits. By using NSIP breeding stock with genetic predictability, all types of flocks have a foundation of genetic information upon which to build a superior and more consistent product to their customers, whether this be a feeder, packer or consumer. This genetic predictability is achievable through NSIP’s Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs). EBVs are science-based, industry-tested measurements of heritable traits that can be tracked and measured. Traits that make Targhee sheep stand out are:
• Good mothering and milking ability
• Raise a high percentage of twins under farm flock and range conditions
• Ewes excel in pounds of lamb weaned per ewe bred
• Fine, high-value wool that buyers seek
Today’s Targhee sheep are hearty enough to withstand the elements while producing high quality lamb and wool for market. Look for my breeding stock at the US Targhee Sheep Association’s National Show and Sale and the Newell Ram Sale each year. We offer a select group of aged ewes, yearling ewes and rams for sale each year.